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Superfood salmon
Lots of people like following a particular diet plan—knowing what foods to eat more often, and which foods to avoid, is often an easy way to plan your meals while promoting healthy living and either losing weight or keeping your body weight in check. And guess what? Salmon is a part of all of these eating plans. Let’s take a closer look at what makes it a superstar.

Quick and easy fish? Yes please!
A lot of us have questions about frozen fish and seafood—does it taste good? How does it stack up nutritionally compared to fresh fish? However, when you actually try it, you discover how handy it can be for quick and delicious meals.

The Norwegian Waters Advantage
It matters where our food comes from—the unique climate and environment of a particular part of the world plays a critical role in shaping flavour, nutrition and quality. For generations, Norwegian anglers have been harvesting salmon from the cold, clean waters of the North Atlantic, and today those fish are prized around the world.

More and more, we’re all paying attention to where our food comes from and how it is produced. It only makes sense to value the conditions where it grows and how it’s harvested, in order to protect our health and the health of the planet.

Farmed vs Wild
Did you know that about half of fish and seafood that we eat are farmed?1 Also known as aquaculture, this form of farming means that fish and other seafood are cultivated under controlled conditions, rather than being harvested in the wild, where certain fish populations are declining.