What goes into producing sustainable seafood?
More and more, we’re all paying attention to where our food comes from and how it is produced. It only makes sense to value the conditions where it grows and how it’s harvested, in order to protect our health and the health of the planet.
At DOM International, sustainable practices are really important to us, and we carefully choose our suppliers to make sure that we’re providing you with top-quality, delicious seafood. Here are some of the factors we take into account.
Climate-friendly protein
Compared to other protein sources, farmed fish have a much lower environmental impact. For example, farmed pork has a carbon footprint of 5.9 carbon equivalents per kilogram of edible product, and farmed beef has a carbon footprint of up to 30 carbon equivalents per kilogram of edible product. In comparison, farmed salmon rings in at only 2.9.1
Clean feed
The producers of farmed salmon deliver precise amounts of feed to make sure there is no excess feed contributing to sediment and other pollution in the water and the sea bed. It takes 1.2 kg of feed to create 1 kg of farmed salmon, where a wild salmon has to eat 10kg of food to grow 1kg.
Healthy habitat
Fish farms are placed within particular areas of ocean waters to maintain the health of the fish as well the shoreline and water ecosystems. Our Norwegian salmon, for example, is farmed in fjords that provide the right mix of water currents, temperature and depth, as well as the optimal mix of salt and fresh water. The shrimp in our Organics line grow in naturally occurring mangrove ponds, rather than cutting down mangroves to establish a farm.
Click here to learn more about the certification of the producers we work with.
1 Marine Harvest Salmon Farming Industry Handbook, page 21